Mar 8, 2008

Just a little nuts.....

Okay so I'm finally getting around to posting about me first CKC experience! I wish I could say that it was the best weekend ever but my crazy self got in the way of a totally good time. So Friday I was supposed to meet up with a few of the gals from the CKMB for lunch. All that morning I kept trying to get ready to go only to end up having panic attacks. I just couldn't go. Finally the hubs came home from work and forced me to get ready, then actually drove me down there. I have such a good hubby. He knew that I would be soooo upset if I didn't go. Once I got there and saw a few of the gals that I already know, I was fine! I know crazy right?!? Oh well that's me.
So my first night I TA'd for 2 classes. The first one... Yuck. I would not suggest anyone take it. The paper is not at all the kind of thing I would ever want to work with and the LO was just plain ugly. Just a hint as to what class it was... It's one of the newer kit companies. The second class I totally lucked out on! I got to TA the class. The teaching style of the class... not that great, but still a lot of great info. I didn't even know about this company. They showed how to do a indoor photo shoot and shared all the new things that their company is going to be rolling out in April. Very exciting stuff for a photog/scrapper like me.
On Saturday I was up bright and early. I stopped at Dutch Bros (only the best coffee ever!) on the way. I know, I know. There is a Starbies in the convention center but it's just not the same! Anyway, My first class ended up being with the same company that I'd TA'd for the night before. I was a bit bummed. The papers were again yucky and I didn't learn any techniques at all. The second class was also with a kit company but at least this time it was a really cute kit with great paper. The class was almost empty. I think if the instructor would put a photo on CKs website it would sell out quickly. Let's see if I can figure out how to post a pic of it
Anyway it's a great class called Love This Face. Take it if you can.
Th vendor fair was a bit overwhelming for me. I got a few great things that I can't wait to use. I did spend way too much $$! Still feeling bad about that. Over all though I had a great time. I'm looking forward to CKC Seattle! I hope I'm able to sell a few things a craft fairs this summer to afford it! :)
I've decided to start putting a cute photo of Simon at the end of my post. Here's a good one!


Christina Carnoy said...

I'm so jealous!!! I will have to go next year, for sure!!!

Samantha said...

I'm glad you were finally able to make it to the convention. Panic attacks are no fun. I wish I could have made it down there, but I had made plans to go on that paper chase.

I also wanted to thank you for the kind words you left on my blog when my little dog, Noel, passed away. Your comment meant a lot to me.

Kelli said...

Sounds like CKC was a worthwile experience for ya! Cute layout too!! I mean ttally cute!! hehehe. (You crack me up!)