Mar 22, 2008

Sping has sprung!!

It was such a beautiful day today!! I so can't wait for the sun to make a lasting appearance. I was supposed to go to the Japanese Gardens over in Portland today for a photo shoot but couldn't get a sitter. I was so bummed. It's not very often that you a sunny day when the garden is in bloom. Oh well maybe some other time. It's not like the place is going anywhere! I ended up pulling over on the side of the road to get this one.

People were looking at me like I was crazy but that's nothing new.

Today we went to a friends birthday party. Owen turned 2 today! Happy birthday Owen!!! I made a card and the bad blogger that I am forgot to take a picture. I snapped a quick picture of the matching bag at the party. (bad form?)

I thought it turned out pretty good for the 5 minutes I took to make it. If I had more time I would have covered a chipboard 2 and put that on there too. The card used the same paper but had stars in matching colors on it also. Next time I will remember the picture! LOL

This last week I had a visitor by the name of Flat Cini. She has been spending time here with the family but is now on her way to the east coast. Can't wait to see who shows up next! This is Flat Cini at a crop with me. We had a great time!

This photo of Simon has a bit of a funny story. On Tuesday my mom's group had a little egg hunt play date for the kiddos. I'm basically the unofficial photographer for the group. So I had my camera out and was taking a couple of shots, when Simon notices me from across the room. He totally made a B-line for me so I would take his picture. All the other moms were like, "Wow, He knows his job!" LOL It was so funny! Such a cute kid though. How could I resist?

Mar 13, 2008

Flat Kay is on her way!!

So I got this idea from the ever most talented Jocsie (OhScrap!). She sent a flat version of herself to one of the CKMBers that was going to CKC so she could "be there" too. Such a fun idea! So a few of us on the CKMB decided to make flat versions of ourselves and send them to each other. While we have each flat CKMBer we take er with us through out our days, maybe even doing something special with her. Then at the end of the week we mail her on to the next person and email and pics with a blurb of what we did to the real CKMBer that the flat one belongs to. We did something similar to this in the 4th grade. We had to mail a stuffed animal to someone in a different state. Then once the person sent it back, we had to write a report from the animals perspective. I never did do this assignment so I almost flunked! I wonder if that teacher is still there? I may take my finished mini album to her for grading! LOL
Here's a fer pics of her. BTW The hubs thinks I'm crazy for refering to her as "her". I think she's pretty hot! Maybe someday I'll actually look like that! Well I can dream right!

Mar 8, 2008

Just a little nuts.....

Okay so I'm finally getting around to posting about me first CKC experience! I wish I could say that it was the best weekend ever but my crazy self got in the way of a totally good time. So Friday I was supposed to meet up with a few of the gals from the CKMB for lunch. All that morning I kept trying to get ready to go only to end up having panic attacks. I just couldn't go. Finally the hubs came home from work and forced me to get ready, then actually drove me down there. I have such a good hubby. He knew that I would be soooo upset if I didn't go. Once I got there and saw a few of the gals that I already know, I was fine! I know crazy right?!? Oh well that's me.
So my first night I TA'd for 2 classes. The first one... Yuck. I would not suggest anyone take it. The paper is not at all the kind of thing I would ever want to work with and the LO was just plain ugly. Just a hint as to what class it was... It's one of the newer kit companies. The second class I totally lucked out on! I got to TA the class. The teaching style of the class... not that great, but still a lot of great info. I didn't even know about this company. They showed how to do a indoor photo shoot and shared all the new things that their company is going to be rolling out in April. Very exciting stuff for a photog/scrapper like me.
On Saturday I was up bright and early. I stopped at Dutch Bros (only the best coffee ever!) on the way. I know, I know. There is a Starbies in the convention center but it's just not the same! Anyway, My first class ended up being with the same company that I'd TA'd for the night before. I was a bit bummed. The papers were again yucky and I didn't learn any techniques at all. The second class was also with a kit company but at least this time it was a really cute kit with great paper. The class was almost empty. I think if the instructor would put a photo on CKs website it would sell out quickly. Let's see if I can figure out how to post a pic of it
Anyway it's a great class called Love This Face. Take it if you can.
Th vendor fair was a bit overwhelming for me. I got a few great things that I can't wait to use. I did spend way too much $$! Still feeling bad about that. Over all though I had a great time. I'm looking forward to CKC Seattle! I hope I'm able to sell a few things a craft fairs this summer to afford it! :)
I've decided to start putting a cute photo of Simon at the end of my post. Here's a good one!